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♥♥♥ Wednesday, August 12, 2009♥♥♥

ST Reflection 2009- Secondary 2NA/E Term 3,Term 3, Week 4 (29 July 09)

Q1)(a) Why is it easy for burglars to break into stalls at the two markets in the Kallang area?
(b) What is the Geylang East Central Merchants' Association going to do about the break-ins?

Q1 (a): (a) The top of the stall was open that make the burglars to break into the stalls at the two markets in the Kallang area. They get upon the pipes or the metal bars to climb up into the stall.

(b) The Geylang East Central Merchants' Association chairman,Mr Tan Seng Peng had suggested to meet the National Environment Agency also known as the NEA and the town councils to search for further improving security by changing the stalls' layout and design.He also wanted to vary the stall arrangement.

Q2) What do you think should be done to tighten the security of the markets?What do you think of the burglars who brazenly break into the stalls?


Signed off ♥5:47 PM

♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

ST Reflection 2009- Secondary 2NA/ETerm 3, Week 3 (13 July 09)

Q1)(a) Why is cheer leading an expensive sport?
(b) What makes cheer leading such a tough sport?


Q1) (a): Cheer leading is an expensive sport as a lot of things that they need to buy. Things like their pom-poms that cost $50 to $70 fora a pair imported from Taiwan. Other than that, they also need to buy hair products that cost about $50 for a team per competition.New tailored costumes for each competition season that cost $100to $400 each. They also need to pay for their gymnastic classes and workshops for $50 per lesson. Their tights cost from $2 to $25 that imported from Thailand. Not only that but they also had to buy their training mats that cost $50 each. For their shoes that imported from theUnited States and Taiwan cost $90 to $150 a pair. And lastly, medicalinsurance and nutritional supplements and vitamins are also needed forcheer leading. It cost up to $30 to $100 per person for the medicalinsurance. As for nutritional supplements, it cost up to $50 to $130 perbottle.

(b): Cheerleading need hours of practice serveral times a week. They will get injured, lose thier freedom with friends due to training. It requires alot of team work and you will have to organise your time well.

Q2) What is your opinion of cheerleaders? If given a chance, would you join cheer leading? Why/ why not?

Answer: Cheerleaders have to be a good leaders that can lead all the other members. They must be responsible for what they did and be responsible in anything. They must also have good mindset. I would not join cheer leading as I wanted more freedom. If i join cheerleading, i would lose some freedom. That's the price i've to pay.

Signed off ♥5:38 PM

♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

ST Reflection 2009- Secondary 2NA/ETerm 2, Week 5 (20 April 09)

Q1)What are some of the problems involved inseparating a conjoined twin?

Answer: Problems like severe chest infections that leads to death. Numerous complication, including a potential fatal problemwith the spinal cord is also some problems that can occur when separating a conjoined twin. The excessive blood loss also can lead the twins to death. So this is quite risky.

Q2)If you were a part of a conjoined twin, would you rather stay together with your twin for the rest of your life or would you risk both your lives to go for an operation? Why?

Answer: I would rather risk both of our lives to go for an operation. I believe my conjoined twins would think the same as me. If we stay together, we would never be normal again, and what's the use of living in this world anymore? If we risk our lives to go for operation, we might success and be a normal person again! Even if the operation would be a failure, we would not regret our decision.

Signed off ♥5:32 PM

♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

ST Reflection 2009 – Secondary 2NA / 2E Term 2, Week 4 (13th April 09)

Q1) What are big companies doing in order to bemore socially responsible ?

Answer: Big companies like Singtel have an energy programme that helps to reduce the business cost. It is also an opportunityto re-invite their costumer to join their environmental efforts, such assigning up with Singtel myBill, their paperless billing system.Another example of a big company, is the DBS. The DBS community initiatives are focused on helping children reach their full potential in the area of learning.

Q2) How important it is to be socially responsible? And do you thinkit is still possible to make a social impact during the recession?

Answer: Everyone is responsible for the society. Cultivate this responsibility can improve someone's habit and values. It also makes them to be someone who have the thought for others and also be responsible for what they have done.

Signed off ♥5:26 PM

♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

ST Reflection 2009-Secondary 2E/NATerm 2, Week 3 (10th April 09)

Q1) What are some of the things that schools in Singapore are doing in order to take care of the environment?

Answer: Some schools are asking their students to bring electricity bills from home to track their month-to-month energy use and areteaching them to save energy. Some school even stepping up themselves,the emphasis on issues like energy conservation and climate change.The emphasis on environment education is 'timely, given the growingawareness of environmental issues around the world'. Some schools alsocontribute fruit peels to the school's three compost bins, which convertfood waste into fertilizers. Commonwealth Secondary has its own wetlandwhich treats grey water from bathroom sinks. Students test how clean thetreated water is and study the wetland's plants and animals. At another secondary schools, students decided that cardboard takeaway boxes in the canteen should be banned. Students and teachers bring their own boxes topack their food instead.

Q2) Do you think one person's effort in reducing, reusingand recycling will make a difference in saving the environment?What steps have you taken in the effort to save the earth?

Answers: No. We must be united. Majority wins. The more the people are, the more chance of successing. Everyone is important, not only one person. And everyone is responsible for it, not only one person. I used lesser electricity and turn off lights and fan whenever not in use. I use less paper, and reuse/recyle them.

Signed off ♥12:30 AM

♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

ST Reflection 2009- Secondary 2NA/ETerm 2, Week 2 (30th March 09)

Q1) How does the treatment programme of the Singapore Prison Service help sex offenders?

Answer: The programme helps to change the way they think and turn them into a good person. So if they know the consequences, they will not do it again and try to control themselves.

Q2) Do you think that sex offenders should be given a second chance in the society? State your reasons.

Answer: Yes. Everyone does makes mistake in thier life. It's just that how big the mistake they make is. Even a slightest mistake is still a mistake. Since other people is given a chance, why not we give them a chance too? It can save a life, why not save it? No one is perfect in this world so does the sex offenders. Unless, they committed the same mistake again, if not, they should be given a second chance!

Signed off ♥12:24 AM

♥♥♥ Friday, March 20, 2009♥♥♥

ST Reflection 2009 – Secondary 2NA / 2ETerm 1, Week 10 (9th March 09)Man and beast face off in Sumatra (World Page A8)

Q1) What is illegal logging?

Ans: It is illegally transporting something into a country secretly and selling it illegally . The things that they are selling illegally are mostly against the law .

Q2) What can you do to stop the Sumatran tiger from extinction?

Ans: We can stop purchasing any items that are made using Sumatran tigers' skin and maybe the those people who are selling those items see that nobody are buying it anymore and if he continue selling this he would made no profit, then he would probably stop hunting tigers' skin and stop selling these items illegally .

Signed off ♥11:24 PM


This E-learning blog belongs to HuiJun .


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  • Score A1 for every subject
  • Get below 17 for O Level(though it was a long way to go)


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