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♥♥♥ Friday, March 20, 2009♥♥♥

ST Reflection 2009 – Secondary 2NA / 2ETerm 1, Week 10 (9th March 09)Man and beast face off in Sumatra (World Page A8)

Q1) What is illegal logging?

Ans: It is illegally transporting something into a country secretly and selling it illegally . The things that they are selling illegally are mostly against the law .

Q2) What can you do to stop the Sumatran tiger from extinction?

Ans: We can stop purchasing any items that are made using Sumatran tigers' skin and maybe the those people who are selling those items see that nobody are buying it anymore and if he continue selling this he would made no profit, then he would probably stop hunting tigers' skin and stop selling these items illegally .

Signed off ♥11:24 PM

♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

ST Reflection 2009 – Secondary 2NA / 2ETerm 1, Week 9 (2nd March 09)Ketamine (In Control pg 3)

Q1) What are the different forms of ketamine?

Ans: They are in the different form of powder, tablets and liquid form . Liquid are commonly and legally used by doctors . Whereras, powerder and tablets form are consumed illegally . And those people who consumed it illgally, they would feel high and temporary relieves stress but is actually escaping from reality and this wont do any good to anyone .

Q2) What would you do if you knew your friend took ketamine?

Ans: I would advice them to stop taking it . I know they wouldn't listen to it as when you are addicted, you wont care about anyone advices . So i will tell him/her parents and suggest them to bring thier child to rehabilitation center as there will be experienced counsellor to counsel them and bring them back to reality .

Signed off ♥11:17 PM

♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

ST Reflection 2009 – Secondary 2NA / 2ETerm 1, Week 8 (23 Feb 09)Getting to the heart of Total Defense (Home-You think pg B7)

Q1) In the last line, what did the writer mean by suggesting that “he may have found more porcupines than rats?”

Ans: Porcupines has alot of spikes on thier body . and they are shy to communicate with the others . So, the writer are suggesting that there are more and more people acting like a porcupines now in the society .

Q2)What's worth giving up your life for?

Ans: Nothing . If i were to give up my life, it would be meaningless . My parents gave birth to me and i have no rights to take it away from them . Without my parents, i wouldn't be standing here . So, i have to live through every second in order to repay my parents for giving birth to me .

Signed off ♥11:10 PM

♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

ST Reflection 2009 – Secondary 2NA / 2ETerm 1, Week 7 (16 Feb 09)No Loitering After School (IN! pg 7)

Q1) Why Coral Secondary School forbids students to idle around near their school in their school uniform?

Ans: It was because the school thinks that its pupils should have cultivate good habits and using time wisely studying at home and revising work after school but not idleing around the school and not go home .

Q2) Do you agree with this rule? Explain your answer.

Ans: No . It was so troublesome even though this is to cultivate good habits but it is too strict . If some student were to buy some foods at the shopping mall as they had not had their lunch and parents did not cook for them they had to buy themselves . If we need to go home and change then go back to the shopping mall foodcourt to buy the food, it would be troublesome and waste of time . The school wanted pupils to spend time wisely but, this rule causes more inconviniences and waste of time causing pupils does not have enough time to study .

Signed off ♥11:03 PM


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