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♥♥♥ Wednesday, February 11, 2009♥♥♥

ST Reflection 2009 – Secondary 2NA / 2ETerm 1, Week 6 (9 Feb 09)
Master of One (Life! People pg 4)

Q1) What was Jack Neo’s vocation when he was serving the nation?

Ans: Jack Neo's vocation was an infantry officer because he signed on with the army when he was serving the nation .

Q2) “Hard work leads to success.” To what extend do you agree with this statement?

Ans: Yes! If you dont work hard, you wont success . If you dont work hard, you are just waiting for people to spoon-feed you . So , we must work hard to success .

Signed off ♥11:43 PM

♥♥♥ Thursday, February 5, 2009♥♥♥

ST Reflection 2009 – Secondary 2NA / 2ETerm 1, Week 5 (2 Feb 09)
Golfers, youths in brawl on green (HOME, pg 1)

Q1) How did the teenagers trespass into Singapore Island Country Club?

Ans: The teenagers are finding to the way out of the forest but while trying to do so, they went into the golf course unintentionally .

Q2) Is underage drinking correct? Explain your answer.

Ans : No . underage drinking is way too bad for health and when they are drunk they may do something foolish and unexpected .

Signed off ♥3:37 AM


This E-learning blog belongs to HuiJun .


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  • New Handphone
  • New Sch Bag
  • Everything new :D
  • stay in express steam
  • Score A1 for every subject
  • Get below 17 for O Level(though it was a long way to go)


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